The Neurospicy Club:

Find your brain besties who honest-to-god GET what it's like to be neurodivergent in a way your doctor and your mom just...don't.

Your brain isn't like other brains. You have a spicy brain. A brain full of bees. A brain that is actually just 42 trauma responses in a trench coat.

Yeah, so do I. So do lots of people actually. We might feel like the odd ones out, but really, there are so many neurospicy folks out there.

You've found some of your neurospicy family on TikTok, but you want more.

  • You want more confidence in your own neurospicy identity.
  • You want more friends who don't mind if you disappear for 3 months only to message them mid-mental breakdown.
  • You want more access to me, so I can coach you through that socially awkward situation or emotionally dysregulating relationship.

That's exactly what we do in The Neurospicy Club.


Oh rats. Doors are closed right now.

Want to make sure you get in the next time doors open? Click any button on this page to join the waitlist!


What's Included?


Discord is a communication app that works really well for talking about a little bit of everything, and it even allows for voice or video calls if you want!


Each month, a real-life neurospicy expert will join us in the club to present on topics like social anxiety, ADHD & money, intersectional identities, and so much more!


Body doubling is basically when a bunch of neurospicy folks get together and be productive. I can't explain why it works, but it does! Come get sh*t done while hanging out with your people.


Get your burning neurospicy questions answered. Like, when do I tell the people I'm dating that I'm neurospicy? Or, how do I stop myself from impulsively spending all my money? Why is everything still so hard??


Let's read all about neurodivergence! Every month, we'll meet to discuss a neurodivergent book (but we only read one book every two months, to make it a bit easier for us busy bees!)


Get each and every replay of the coaching sessions and guest workshops in an exclusive digital vault.


Have a task you've been putting off for months? Need to apply to jobs, take care of an admin task, or tackle some confusing tech? Let's walk through it together!


Choose your favorite of 3 neurospicy mugs (only available to year-long members).

Our Guest Experts:

How to Build a Business as an ADHDer with
Faith Mariah


Spicy Neurospicy-
Sex, Intimacy and Relationships with Catieosaurus



Art Therapy & Neurodivergence with Mandalyn Yinger

What Current Members Have to Say:

"This community is truly special and so invaluable. One of the few spaces I can show up authentically. It's so healing ❤️ I'm forever grateful for Megan + the other members for fostering this space and community."


"Megan has created a really special community. When I first became aware of my Autism I joined several in person groups to learn more and connect with other Autistics. Unfortunately, I had difficulty connecting with anyone in those groups (possibly because I am also ADHD). Furthermore, the local Autistic groups made me feel anxious and uncomfortable. Alternatively, I feel really at ease in the Neurospicy Club and have even developed friendships outside of the club with some of the club members. This club has absolutely been worth the time and money. I highly recommend it."


"You’re not the only one who struggles with being ND. Virtually you’ll meet the coolest and smartest people. And you’ll feel seen and heard. You will grow and heal and get practical tips and tools to live your best life."


But what about...

...what if I'm not Gen Z or a Millennial? What if I'm *whispers* old?

All neurodivergent adults are welcome in The Neurospicy Club, even if you're *whispers* old. There's an age minimum (18+ only) but definitely no age maximum.
P.S. This also includes other kinds of diversity. This is a space where Black Lives Matter, disabled is not a dirty word, folks with Cluster B personality disorders are respected, and all genders and sexualities are welcome. My most sincere hope is that this will be an incredible, diverse, and inclusive collection of neurospicy folks.

...what if I'm not professionally diagnosed?

All neurospicy humans are welcome here. Self-diagnosis is valid, but so is just wondering "Hey, why does my brain do that? Am I neurospicy? What the hell is going on??" this therapy?

No. I am a certified life coach, not a mental health professional. This club is a peer-based community not designed to replace therapy, but rather to supplement it with support, self-advocacy, and humor.

...what if I need to leave for a month or two? Can I come back?

Of course, you're welcome to come and go as necessary. There are added benefits to being in the year-long club, but if you'd prefer to join on a monthly basis, that option is always available.

The best part?

The cost is pay what you can.

I absolutely love providing this club for my fellow neurospicy folks to get to know themselves better and get to know each other and feel less alone. I can't do it for free because it requires so much of my time and energy and, honestly, love. But I'm determined to make the cost as affordable as possible.

And I know "affordable" looks different for everyone. So join, pay what you can, and get what you need.

Pay By the Month

Price: Pay what you can (minimum $3/month)
Click below and you'll be taken to my Ko-Fi page where you set up a monthly payment (IT MUST BE MONTHLY, NOT ONE-OFF) of whatever you can afford, and then you'll receive an email with an invite to our Discord server where everything is hosted!

Sign me up

Find your people. Find yourself. Learn all about your neurospicy brain.